our bodies have adapted to the lifestyle our ancestors lived at one point; but the mechanism is far from perfect for modern day life style. this so because our life style is not appropriate. After sitting in the same position for an hour, our backs start to hurt. our legs ache after we have taken part in a long race? In fact, when we run, most of our weight is borne by our legs and a single joint in our backbones. Our spine is not strong enough to support a lot of weight and running eventually causes back pain, also caused by sitting for long periods of time. Either way, our daily lifestyle interferes with the way our bodies are fashioned and the functions they are designed to perform. today most of our works require us to sit for long hours (sometimes eight to ten hours) in the same position; and doing that everyday usually causes back pains.
If we had a choice to genetically modify our bodies by increasing our spines from one to three we would be able to equally divide our body weight. While running, we could rely on three separate joints to carry and equally distribute our weight. Besides having aches and pains we are also defected in other ways, example, the human face is not symmetrical. Some have an eye that is slightly bigger or smaller than the other. Our skin also cannot protect itself from harsh environments and rays of the sun therefore we have to use different creams for that purpose.
In order to effectively reflect light from the human skin, the skin should have had dark pigmentation. If we could also alter our vision so there would be no need of glasses. we could also use an extra heart to pump blood which would increase the life expectancy.

some of these already are and the rest may also be possible in the future due to genetic modifications, but with it comes great responsibilities as well. It will raise countless moral and ethical issues, as well as conflicts. Some may side with science, and others with religion. People may use these kind of technologies to serve wrong purposes. Instead of improving human lives and making this world a better place, wars may break out over the ownership of such a technology. Nations possessing this technology might not share it with the rest of the world, or create humans perfect in every way to increase the chances of survival for their own race.
Most people think that we should not tamper with Nature. However, genetic make-overs could save millions of lives. It could stop a disease from passing on to the next generation. But it could also cause the destruction for mankind if not used properly. If we get, up to three spines in the human body by genetic modifications we wouldn't feel the need to exercise our bodies in order to prevent our selves from back pains. since we are so lethargic and our lifestyle calls for comfort we depend on machines to do our chores due to which our body does not get the physical motion it requires and we suffer from pains.
Even though we live in a polluted world, most of us are not ready to abandon our current lifestyle loaded with the comforts of modern technology. We would rather keep complaining about our aching backs or use glasses for clear vision. There is a reason why God made us like this. our bodies are made in such way that if we do not give them the physical movement it requires, our bodies will get damaged in the long run. example if some people do not get proper exercise they face orthopedic problems such as arthritis in old age. If we could manage our time and schedule and do yoga to relieve the mind and body of stress and if we change our lifestyle, we can live a fulfilling life without having to change our genetic make-up.
mankind is still quite far from conducting complete genetic make-overs but even if there was a chance of using this technology, would we really want to? Then again, would we not be interfering in God’s work?
jab koi posting nahin karta tou blog banane ka faida?
The trouble with humans is that they think they have found the perfect solution, only to find out about the side-effects many years later.
Take global warming, for instance.
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