The sudden in flux of modern technology has allowed us to do what ever we want in a very short span of time. It is unbelievable how the chores which used to take two to three days to finish, are now completed within a day. It has enabled us to use that free time by adding more chores and tasks to our daily schedule.
Now humans completely depend upon machines to do their office work and house work. although it has its benefits, flaws come in the package. we are left stressed out and lethargic by the end of our working day. different sorts of illnesses are beginning to surround us, as our body is not getting the physical movement it requires. apart from our body, the entertainment devices are having a negative effect on our ears, eyes and brain. television sets, mobile phones and other such electronic devices which have become a part of our daily gadgets are made up of microwaves which alter activity of the living cells in our brain.

Even more dangerous is the impact on our environment, an increase in pollution, greenhouse effect and global warming. we are using technology to grow crops by overusing the soil, which may lead to no production of crops at all, in the coming years. We are highly indulged and overwhelmed by the evolution in modern technology and satellite that we are overlooking the threats posed on us by them, thus turning us into totally different creatures.
Now that pic is sure crazy!Gaud!
Anyways, first of all, i really like the posts title, as carzy as can be hehe so true.
And abt what u have mentioned it oh so true girl. They say mobile and laptops cause great harm, then their is global warming issues. On the whole, a great post.
The way that kids today stay guled to their computers and the tv instead of hanging out with friends..im sure has an impact on their social behaviour.
good post, very interesting blog
crazy indeed... technology is moving into places it never even approached, and thats good and bad..
socially and physically it can be damaging as well as help build up a better person.
Good post
and thanks for your thought on my blog : ckcpark.net/dehog/
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